2021 4th VFS Workshop on eVTOL Infrastructure

Recordings available as Video-on-Demand
4th Workshop on eVTOL Infrastructure for UAM

March 2-4, 2021 — Virtual

Gannett-Fleming SkyportVFS is hosting its virtual 4th Workshop on eVTOL Infrastructure for Urban Air Mobility (UAM). This three-day meeting is the fourth in a series of solution-focused workshops. 

This 4th Workshop is dedicated to addressing the identified policy challenges in eVTOL Infrastructure and plotting out a plan of action in collaboration with the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), State, Regional and Local government to advance eVTOL Infrastructure development. The workshop schedule will include updates from the FAA Tech Center, presentations from key players from the industry and facilitated discussions to set the roadmap.

In the 1st workshop in Sept. 2019, industry representatives and regulators focused on the "defining challenges" of electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, identifying key stakeholders and strategies for moving forward. 

The 2nd Workshop on eVTOL Infrastructure, held virtually (due to COVID-19) in a series on sponsored webinars in April and May 2020, covered foundational elements needed to support the development of safe, functional and economically viable infrastructure to support UAM applications. 

The 3rd Workshop on eVTOL Infrastructure, held virtually (due to COVID-19) in a series was held in September 2020, covered foundational elements needed to support the development of safe, functional and economically viable infrastructure to support UAM applications. A virtual tour of the FAA Technical Center in Atlantic City was also part of the program.  The output of the workshop was captured via audience inputs and used to set the content for the 4th workshop.


  • Provide an open forum to stakeholders and interested parties from industry and applicable government and regulatory bodies to discuss policy requirements as they relate to UAM technology and infrastructure.
  • Conduct facilitated discussions concerning key policy challenges as they pertain to UAM infrastructure to understand prioritization and time constraints.
  • Identify collaborative research and development opportunities necessary for creating common sense infrastructure standards based on aircraft performance criteria.


  • Build upon existing safety data to identify pre-competitive areas where proactive industry collaboration would be valuable in accelerating adoption.
  • Identify collaborative opportunities between industry and government agencies that will benefit the UAM industry.
  • Draft consensus-based strategies to advance policy at key Federal, State and Local levels.


  • Rex Alexander, 5-Alpha
  • Cliff Johnson, FAA
  • Michael Hertzendorf, HAI
  • Anna Dietrich and Yolanka Wulff, CAMI
  • Zach Shuman, Woolpert
  • Scott Cary, NREL
  • Matt Metcalfe, Deloitte
  • Dawn Zoldi, P3 Tech Consulting
  • Michael Dyment, NEXA Advisors
  • Jim Sherman, VFS

In order to maximize the educational opportunity and the diversity of attendees, we have set the registration rates very low. 

Watch the recordings now! (Microsoft's Internet Explorer/Edge browser is not compatible with our registration site. First time users, be sure to click the popup to "Allow Cookies." You do not need to be a member to register but you need an account.)  

  • Federal, state and local government employees: $100 (must verify government employment)
  • Speakers: $100 (you will be provided with a registration code)
  • VFS Members: $200 (must be current)
  • Non-Members: $300 (includes 1 year of VFS membership)

Notes: Since this is a working meeting, members of the press are welcome to attend, but attributions made by FAA employees must be reviewed by the FAA Communications team.

Workshop Gold Sponsors: 

PS and S

logo (black)


Contact VFS to become a sponsor!

Infrastructure for Urban Air Mobility Workshop
March 2-4, 2021 | GoToWebinar
All times are in EDT (UTC-5)
March 2, 2021
1000 - 1030 Welcome and Introductions
Jim Sherman, Vertical Flight Society
1030 - 1200 Infrastructure Policy Challenges: Session 1 / Industry Perspective

Traditionally, aviation has functioned as a mode of transportation distinct from other modes of transportation and, in most cases separated from the communities they serve. However, AAM envisions an aviation industry that interacts directly with communities, both from a hardscape perspective such as rooftop vertiports or multimodal transportation hubs or corporate campuses, and a softscape perspective such as the use of electricity, communications and airspace. As industry contemplates this new relationship with local communities, it must move beyond a traditional general aviation approach, building trust and bringing value in new ways. Reciprocally, to realize the maximum potential of AAM, communities must work with industry in new ways and be willing to find innovative policy solutions to accompany innovative technologies. This panel explores--from the industry perspective--what AAM has to offer communities and what it needs to realize its full potential.

Moderator: Anna Dietrich, Director of Industry and Strategy, CAMI
Jarred Howard, Government and Public Affairs Lead, Bell
Paul Stith, Director, Global Transportation Initiatives, Black & Veatch
Dan Dalton, Vice President, Global Partnerships, Wisk
1200 - 1300

Networking Lunch with Exhibitors

1300 - 1430 Infrastructure Policy Challenges: Session 2 / Local Perspective - Unique Communities, Tailored Approaches

As AAM technology has moved forward, communities have begun to explore how to integrate this new form of transportation into their existing transportation systems and infrastructure. Each community has its own unique needs, resources and concerns, and must use these to tailor this integration. Moreover, different policy issues arise depending on the characteristics of the community and the governmental agencies involved. In this panel, we hear from three communities represented by three levels of government – tribal, state and city – about their approaches to AAM.

Moderator: Todd Petersen, Co-Founder, Ellis & Associates
David Fleckenstein, Director of Aviation, Washington State DoT
James Grimsley, Executive Director, Advanced Technologies Initiatives, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
Matthew Broffman, Director of Innovation, City of Orlando
Lauren Moore, President, Atlantic County (NJ) Economic Alliance
1430 - 1445 Short Break
1445 - 1615 Infrastructure Policy Challenges: Session 3 / Putting It All Together

As communities and industry come together to implement AAM, it is clear that planning is at the core of a successful approach. Planning for AAM includes everything from vertiport designs and locations, to route planning, to integration into a multimodal transportation system, to addressing issues of sustainability, and more. This planning is an exercise that must happen at the local level, but with the active participation of all stakeholders including industry, regulators, operators, agencies, essential services and the public. This panel will discuss how these stakeholders can come together to address infrastructure policy concerns and develop a broadly supported implementation plan

Moderator: Yolanka Wulff, Executive Director, CAMI
Adam Cohen, Senior Research Manager, University of California, Berkeley
Darrell Swanson, Director, Swanson Aviation Consultancy Ltd
Timothy Middleton, Senior Consultant, HMMH
March 3, 2021
1000 - 1200

State & Municipality Strategic Considerations: Session 1 / Learning From Past Experiences With Airports

From site selection to construction many players are needed to develop a Vertiport. Funding, zoning, airspace, and community engagement all play into the entire development and operation of a facility. Understanding the many political hurdles of a vertiport has rarely been explored. This session will bring together leaders from around the industry in planning, policy, airspace, and finance to discuss the steps needed to select and build a vertiport.

Moderator: Zach Shuman, Woolpert
Adrienne Lindgren, State and Local Partnerships, Hyundai
Rick Day, Principal, 6DOTS
Danielle Rinsler, Principal, Rinsler Consulting
Michael Meyers, Manager of Airport Engineering, FAA
1200 - 1300 Networking Lunch with Exhibitors
1300 - 1430 State & Municipality Strategic Considerations: Session 2 / Mobility choices and the Future Power Grid

Transportation systems are evolving with new energy supplies, autonomy, rideshare models and other mass-transit efforts evolving and providing alternate and potentially more efficient solutions. This evolution has included electrification of the ground vehicle industry and is accelerating through the classes of vehicles from Light-Duty to Heavy-Duty into aviation. The electrical grid of today is also evolving as well as the world transitions to more distributed energy systems and future transportation energy loads will increase demands on existing infrastructure in potentially dramatic fashion. Intermodal transportation mode choice, electrical energy system transformations, and potential use cases for electric aviation energy systems will be explored in this panel.

Moderator: Scott Cary, NREL
David Ulane A.A.E., Director, Colorado Division of Aeronautics
Stanley E. Young, P.E., PhD , Mobility Systems Team Lead, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jesse Bennett , Research Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Michael Peters, Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1430 - 1445 Short Break
1445 - 1615

State & Municipality Strategic Considerations: Session 3 / Local Engagement / The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Early engagement with local decision makers is vital to the success of any new project. Nowhere is this more evident than in the development of transportation infrastructure. “What they don’t know, will scare them!” This holds true for planning commissions, zoning commissions, city councils, city utilities, environmental services, etc… Before you issue your first press release you need to engage local policy makers and community stake holders, providing them with the facts they need to make informed decisions. If on the other hand community leaders hear about your project on the evening news first, there are not enough facts in the world to trump public opinion when its driven by pure emotion. This panel will provide an overview of lessons learned as it applies to local policy, community outreach, and engagement strategies.

Moderator: Cliff Johnson, FAA
Ted Osborne, Senior Director, PS&S
Chuck Clauser, Senior Architect, PS&S
Cade Clark, Vice President of Government Affairs, Helicopter Association International (HAI)
Rex Alexander, President, Five-Alpha LLC
1615 - 1715 Happy Hour with Sponsors and Exhibitors
March 4, 2021
1000 - 1200

Advancing Technology Through Policy: Session 1 / Community Engagement and Unlocking Scaled Advanced Air Mobility

Urban Air Mobility represents an exciting paradigm shift, taking aviation from a predominantly long-distance public transportation mode to an integral component of regional and local mobility. While industry and governments mature Urban Air Mobility capabilities there is recognition that it will to bring new aviation operations closer to communities than ever before. Experience has shown that communities have a strong interest in any changes to their neighborhoods including those above them. The experience of the aviation over the last 30 has generated many invaluable lessons about the importance of effective community engagement, that have the potential to enable or constrain scaled UAM operations. This panel explores what we can learn from past community engagement best practices, what different or new approach’s might be possible now, and how and when we start?

Moderator: Matt Metcalfe, Managing Director, Deloitte Consulting
Don Scata, Manager, Noise Division, FAA
Nancy Mendonca, Deputy Team Lead, UAM Coordination and Assessment Team, NASA
David Rottblatt, Vice President of Business Development, Eve Urban Air Mobility
Ernest Huffman, Airport Planning and Education Program Manager, Transportation Department, North Central Texas Council of Governments
1200 - 1300 Networking Lunch with Exhibitors
1300 - 1430 Advancing Technology Through Policy: Session 2 / Vertiport Infrastructure: A Case Study - Practical and Legal Considerations
This panel will use a real-world patented vertiport product as a "case study" to discuss go-to-market legal challenges and provide the audience with practical tips to navigate these hurdles at the state level. The panel will discuss potential holistic solutions including whether the Uniform Law Commission (ULC) model rule-making procedure is a viable option for consistent regulations and approaches.
Moderator: Dawn Zoldi, P3 Tech Consulting
Lydia M. Hilton, Of Counsel, Berman Fink Van Horn PC
Mike DiCosola, CEO, Drone Industry Systems Corp
Grant Guillot, Partner, Adams and Reese LLP
Joseph Corrao, Civil Aviation Attorney
1430 - 1445 Short Break
1445 - 1615

Advancing Technology Through Policy: Session 3 / Hydrogen – Policies, Technologies and Future Infrastructure.

Hydrogen-powered propulsion is now considered both feasible and a game-changer for future electric flight.  In this panel, a select group of experts having a perspective on the future of hydrogen -- production, distribution and use for flight – will provide their thoughts and take questions from the Vertical Flight Society audience.

Moderator: Michael Dyment, NEXA Capital Partners
Bruce Holmes, Principal, Holmes Consulting
Rod Williams, Chief Commercial Officer, Universal Hydrogen
Yesh Premkumar, Sr. Manager, Global Partnerships, Hyundai
1615 - 1715 Happy Hour with Sponsors and Exhibitors

There are limited number of sponsorships available. Fill out this eVTOL Workshop Sponsor Application to apply for a sponsorship

  • Gold Sponsorship (5 max): $2,500 — includes logos/signage, flyer, three complimentary registrations and a 20-minute speaking slot. (Subject to approval and availability.)
  • Silver Sponsorship (5 max): $1,500 — includes logos/signage, flyer, one complimentary registration and a 10-minute speaking slot. (Subject to approval and availability.)
  • Advertiser (10 max): $500 — includes logos/signage. (Subject to approval and availability.)



The Vertical Flight Society, founded in 1943 as the American Helicopter Society, is the world's leading professional organization working to advance vertical flight. VFS has been a leading advocate and supporter of what we call "The Electric VTOL Revolution." We held the world's eVTOL technical meeting in 2014 and our 7th Annual eVTOL Symposium was held in Jan. 2020 in Silicon Valley; we now have 100+ hours of informative and educational videos on electric VTOL. A summary of the work that VFS and its partners have done, along with information on previous events and activities, can be found on this webpage


Please contact Jim Sherman for more information. 

Posted January 4, 2021; updated Feb. 24, 2021.