2020 Electric Aircraft Symposium

EAS 2020 Banner

EAS 2020 was a great event with some 700 registrants! Thank you to all of our organizers, panelists, sponsors and attendees! 

Videos from the first (free) day are available on our YouTube Channel. The entire event (12.5 hours of video recordings) is available for purchase for $125 on our Vimeo Channel. 

VFS is again co-sponsoring the annual Electric Aircraft Symposium (EAS), organized by the Comparative Aircraft Flight Efficiency (CAFE) Foundation, on July 28-30, 2020. Originally planned to be held as usual in conjunction with the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, this year's 14th Annual EAS will be held virtually! Check out our press release, 14th Annual Electric Aircraft Symposium Goes Virtual, July 8, 2020.

The CAFE Foundation and Vertical Flight Society have been working to advance electric aviation for many years and have partnered again for this year’s EAS. Electric and hybrid electric powered aircraft have the potential to significantly reduce air transportation costs, carbon emissions and community noise. 

Please take time to review information from our generous sponsors: Electra.aero | ES Aero | AeroTEC

Check out the EAS 2020 Agenda


  • Day 1: Introduction – FREE!
  • Day 2: Technical Session – $75 ($40 for students)
  • Day 3: Technical Session – $75 ($40 for students)

Register for both Day 2 and 3, and get $25 off! (except students)

There are a limited number of sponsorships available. (Subject to approval and availability.)

  • Platinum Sponsorship (1 max - SOLD OUT): $5,000 — top-billing logos/signage, flyer and five complimentary registrations. 
  • Gold Sponsorship (4 max - SOLD OUT): $2,500 — logos/signage, flyer and three complimentary registrations. 

More info is available in the EAS 2020 Sponsorship Application. Contact Jim Sherman to apply for a sponsorship. 

In 2007, CAFE Foundation hosted the first electric aircraft symposium in North America. In 2011, the Foundation managed NASA’s Green Flight Challenge, which was funded by Google. This US$1.35 million prize was awarded to Pipistrel USA for its winning 4-seat, electric-powered aircraft, the Taurus G4, which flew nearly 200 miles (322 km) non-stop, while achieving 403.5 passenger-MPG (171.5 passenger-km/l)! Its astounding efficiency was more than twice that of the piston-powered aircraft in the competition. 

The Vertical Flight Society was founded in 1943 by the pioneers of the US helicopter industry to advocate for vertical flight and create a robust international technical community. VFS hosted the world’s first electric VTOL technical meeting in 2014, launched the world’s first eVTOL eNewsletter in 2016 and eVTOL website in 2017, and the world’s first eVTOL short course in 2018. The Society also supported the development of the Uber Elevate White Paper and is a Partner of the GoFly Prize competition. VFS now includes profiles on more than 275 electric VTOL aircraft in its World eVTOL Aircraft Directory, www.eVTOL.news

Check out the VFS-sponsored videos and presentations from the past two years:

2019: 13th Annual EAS Speakers & Agenda | 26 Presentation Videos

2018: 12th Annual EAS Speakers & Agenda | 19 Presentation Videos

About CAFE Foundation: The Comparative Aircraft Flight Efficiency (CAFE) Foundation was founded in 1981.The Foundation occupies a unique position in the electric aircraft industry. As a nonprofit organization, CAFE Foundation's mission is to advance the development of low-emission flight by fostering and promoting early entry practical market opportunities. CAFE Foundation accomplishes this by bridging disciplines and industries, helping to identify trends and innovations, building strategic collaborations and ensuring on-going coordination. www.CAFE.foundation

About VFS: The Vertical Flight Society was founded as the American Helicopter Society in 1943 by the visionaries of the early helicopter industry, who believed that technological cooperation and collaboration were essential to support this new type of aircraft. Today, VFS plays a similar role helping to advance today’s revolutionary VTOL aircraft. It is the world’s oldest and largest vertical flight technology organization. www.VTOL.org 

Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Platinum Level:

Electra Logo


Gold Level:
Aerotec Logo

eVTOL.com Logo

ES Aero



Posted 2020-06-03; last updated 2020-08-05