2021 Electric Aircraft Symposium

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EAS 2021 was a great event with some 450 registrants! Thank you to all of our organizers, panelists, sponsors and attendees! 

Video recording of the first (free) day are available on our YouTube Channel. The entire event (12.5 hours of video recordings) is available for purchase for $125 on our Vimeo Channel. 


VFS is again co-sponsoring the annual Electric Aircraft Symposium (EAS), organized by the Comparative Aircraft Flight Efficiency (CAFE) Foundation, on July 20-22, 2021. This year's 15th Annual EAS will be held virtually! 

The CAFE Foundation and Vertical Flight Society have been working to advance electric aviation for many years and have partnered again for this year’s EAS. Electric and hybrid electric powered aircraft have the potential to significantly reduce air transportation costs, carbon emissions and community noise. 


  • Day 1: Introduction – FREE!
  • Day 2: Technical Session – $80 ($40 for students)
  • Day 3: Technical Session – $80 ($40 for students)

Register for both Day 2 and 3, and pay only $140 — $20 off! (except students)

In 2007, CAFE Foundation hosted the first electric aircraft symposium in North America. In 2011, the Foundation managed NASA’s Green Flight Challenge, which was funded by Google. This US$1.35 million prize was awarded to Pipistrel USA for its winning 4-seat, electric-powered aircraft, the Taurus G4, which flew nearly 200 miles (322 km) non-stop, while achieving 403.5 passenger-MPG (171.5 passenger-km/l)! Its astounding efficiency was more than twice that of the piston-powered aircraft in the competition. 

The Vertical Flight Society was founded in 1943 by the pioneers of the US helicopter industry to advocate for vertical flight and create a robust international technical community. VFS hosted the world’s first electric VTOL technical meeting in 2014, launched the world’s first eVTOL eNewsletter in 2016 and eVTOL website in 2017, and the world’s first eVTOL short course in 2018. The Society also supported the development of the Uber Elevate White Paper and is a Partner of the GoFly Prize competition. VFS now includes profiles on more than 480 electric VTOL aircraft in its World eVTOL Aircraft Directory, www.eVTOL.news

15th Annual Electric Aircraft Symposium - Preliminary Schedule
July 20-22, 2021 | Virtual via GoToWebinar
All times are in EDT (UTC-4)
  Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
1100 - 1120 Welcome and Introductions
Yolanka Wulff, CAFE Foundation
Jim Sherman, Vertical Flight Society
Mike Friend, BACE
Advanced Air Mobility Competitions
Yolanka Wulff, CAFE Foundation
NAA’s Pulitzer Electric Aircraft Race
Scott Neumann, NAA
The Ripple Effect - Lindbergh Foundation Centennial Challenges
Eric Lindbergh, Lindbergh Foundation
Growing the Workforce & Incorporating Diversity
Mike Hirschberg, Vertical Flight Society
Danielle McLean, Happy Takeoff
Marilyn Smith, Georgia Institute of Technology
1120 - 1215

Global Overview
The electric-powered aircraft industry continues to evolve with new vertical flight (eVTOL) and conventional aircraft (eCTOL) in development. New investors and development partners have also appeared, including major automobile manufacturers and the United States Air Force through its Agility Prime initiative.
Moderator: Yolanka Wulff, CAFE Foundation
The Electric VTOL Revolution
Mike Hirschberg, Vertical Flight Society
Electric Aviation Development in Europe and China
Willi Tacke, Flying Pages
Xin Gou, Flying Pages

Integrating Hydrogen as a Propulsion Source
Hydrogen fuel cell technology provides an alternate way to generate the electrons required to power electric aircraft. Recent advances in fuel cell technology have been embraced by new eCTOL and eVTOL aircraft developers. Liquid hydrogen can also be used fuel source for hybrid-electric systems.
Moderator: Danielle McLean, Happy Takeoff
Miniliners – LH2 propulsion applications
Tine Tomazic, Pipistrel
Hydrogen: A Game Changer for AAM
J-P Clarke, Universal Hydrogen
Defining Urban Air Mobility
Nimrod Golan-Yanay, Urban Aeronautics
Electric Motors & Systems
Electric motors and powertrains are undergoing a revolution to support a wide range of electric vehicles. The powertrain requirements for eCTOL and eVTOL aircraft are significantly different from electric cars and other ground vehicles. Electric powertrain and eVTOL aircraft developers will discuss the differences in technology and performance between the automotive and aerospace industries.
Moderator: Jim Sherman, Vertical Flight Society
Rolls-Royce Hybrid Electric Propulsion Roadmap Update
Olaf Otto, Rolls-Royce
VoltAero: Advancing electric aviation into a new era
Jean Botti, VoltAero
Electric Motors & Systems
Eric Bartsch, VerdeGo
1215 - 1310

Regional Air Mobility Business Case
The lower energy and maintenance costs of electric-powered aircraft make them well suited for inter-city Commuter/Regional Air Services. This includes new inter-city services and the revitalization short haul routes abandoned because of rising operating costs. Depending on the stage length and available infrastructure, the routes can be served by high speed eVTOL aircraft (with wings), new clean sheet eSTOL and eCTOL designs and older aircraft retrofitted with battery-electric and hybrid-electric propulsion systems by way of an STC.
Moderator: Charles Alcock, AIN
Regional Air Mobility: Leveraging Our National Investments to Energize the American Travel Experience
Kevin Antcliff, Xwing
Darrell Swanson, Swanson Aviation
Regional Air Mobility: A Business Case for Early Market Entry
Michael Dyment, NEXA Advisors

UAM Business Case
Urban Air Mobility uses three-dimensional transportation to better serve the needs of our communities. UAM or Advanced Air Mobility encompasses intracity passenger, cargo and emergency services operated by electric-powered piloted, remotely piloted or autonomous eVTOL aircraft. The idea of providing urban air service is not new but electric propulsion makes air connectivity more economical and environmentally sustainable.
Moderator: Nicolas Zart, eVTOL.news
Pragmatic Approach to Electric vs Hybrid Electric VTOL Development
Seyed Mohseni, SAMAD Aerospace
David Rottblatt, Eve Air Mobility
Felipe Varon, Varon Vehicles


The automotive and commercial vehicle industries have been making sigificant investments in production ready batteries and the electric aircraft industry is benefiting from those investments with higher power and energy dense modules that are approaching the minimum requirements for commercial use.
Moderator: Mike Friend, BACE
Michael Duffy, EP Systems
Use of Off-the-shelf Battery Packs for Sports Aircraft
Mike Friend, BACE
Why electric aircraft should be charged by an international aviation charger standard, not country specific automotive chargers
Joshua Portlock, Electro Aero

1310 - 1340 Break Break Break
1340 - 1435

Aircraft Conversions and Supplemental Type Certifications
Several projects are in place to convert existing aircraft into battery-electric, hybrid-electric and fuel cell electric propulsion. These don't require the Type Certification (TC) of an entirely new aircraft. Engineering the conversions needs to be done carefully to obtain a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC).
Moderator: Ken Swartz, Aeromedia Communications
Electrifying the Caravan
Lee Human, AeroTEC
Ampaire. Developing a trusted, practical, compelling approach to electrification.
Kevin Noertker, Ampaire
Supplemental Type Certification of an electric propulsion system for a helicopter
Glen Dromgoole, Tier One Engineering

Coastal Community Use Cases
A number of factors are accelerating the electrification of aviation in coastal communities. For example, Scandinavian governments have set targets for the introduction of electric-aircraft for commuter and pilot training flights. And environmentally minded communities may be among the first to introduce electric seaplane service and eVTOL aircraft on short haul overwater routes.
Moderator: Yolanka Wulff, CAFE
Enabling Electric Aircraft
Shawn Braiden, Harbour Air

REGENT: fast, sustainable, regional coastal transportation by 2025
Billy Thalheimer, Regent
Zero-Emission Flying Ships: The Future of Faster, Cheaper, Broader Coastal Access
Bill Peterson, Flying Ship

Vertiports & GA Airports
While eVTOL vehicles get headlines, proper airports and vertiports will need to be constructed to ensure safe and efficient operations. This new infrastruture represents a significant investment for the industry, has a lengthy lead-time for development.
Moderator: Rex Alexander, 5-alpha and VFS
Energy and Communications Infrastructure
Paul Stith, Black & Veatch
Electric Aircraft: Community Acceptance & Noise Considerations
Timothy Middleton, HMMH
Evaluation business model considerations for vertiports
Addison Ferrell, Skyports

1435 - 1530

Electric Aircraft for Public Services and Defense
Early adopters for electric aviation are likely to include public services such as emergency response and policing as well as defense projects to advance the maturity of the technology.
Moderator: Mike Hirschberg, Vertical Flight Society
Accelerating the market with AFWERX Agility Prime
Nathan Diller, Agility Prime
Utilizing Emerging eVTOL Technology to Enable Rapid First Response
Katerina Barilov, Jump Aero
eVTOL for Firefighting and Natural Disaster Response
Johnny Doo, International Vehicle Research

Regional eCTOL / eSTOL
Distributed Electric Propulsion (DEP) allows aircraft designers to more easily place engines where they can provide the greatest aerodynamic benefit. This includes a new class of electric-powered short takeoff and landing (eSTOL) aircraft that can operate from extremely short runways at very low operating costs. eSTOL aircraft developers will discuss the market opportunities, eSTOL technology and aircraft infrastructure requirements.
Moderator: Graham Warwick, Aviation Week
Regional Airline Industry & Electric Propulsion Technologies
Drew Jacoby Lemos, Regional Airline Association
Sustainability, Growth, and Innovation
Dan Wolf, Cape Air (invited)
The progress of Regional eCTOL / eSTOL In Sweden
Fredrik Kämpfe, Swedish Aviation Industry Group
Among the Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) applications that have shown great promise for early use is cargo delivery - whether for local package delivery, or supplies for remote locations and everything in between. Electric cargo aircraft are positioned to provide outstanding service opportunities at lower delivery costs.
Moderator: Ken Swartz, Aeromedia Communications
Kyle Clark, BETA Technologies
eSTOL Cargo
Marc Ausman, Airflow
Dave Merrill, Elroy Air
1530 - 1625

Community Integration
As communities and industry come together to implement AAM, it is clear that planning is at the core of a successful approach. Planning for AAM includes everything from vertiport designs and locations, to route planning, to integration into a multimodal transportation system, to addressing issues of sustainability, and more. This planning is an exercise that must happen at the local level, but with the active participation of all stakeholders including industry, regulators, operators, agencies, essential services and the public. This panel will discuss how these stakeholders can come together to address infrastructure policy concerns and develop a broadly supported implementation plan
Moderator: Yolanka Wulff, Community Air Mobility Initiative
FAA Updates on AAM Community Integration
Scott Gore, FAA
Advanced Air Mobility: Multimodal Integration and Societal Adoption
Adam Cohen, University of California, Berkeley
A Pathway to Universal Mobility
Adrienne Lindgren, Hyundai Air Mobility

Electric Aircraft Certification
The certification of electric aircraft powered by battery-electric, hybrid-electric and hydrogen fuel cells presents new challenges as new consensus-based certification standards are adapted. Experts will share their insights regarding testing and certification.
Moderator: Kelsey Reichmann, Avionics International
Electric and eVTOL Certification Progress
Lowell Foster, GAMA
Hybrid / Electric Propulsion System Certification
Gary Horan, FAA
Approach for Certification of the Jaunt Journey eVTOL
Martin Peryea, Jaunt
Pilot Pipeline
Having modern electric aircraft is one thing, having the infrastructure to around them is even better, but there will need to be pilots to operate these aircraft for the foreseeable future. Will these pilots receive the same kind of training? Will these skills be transferable to more conventional aircraft? Will there be a career path?
Moderator: Jason Pritchard, eVTOL Insights
Pilot transition and enabling training technology
Timothy Schoenauer, CAE
Joseph Oldham, Sustainable Aviation Project
The Benefits of Electric Aircraft: Featuring the eFlyer
George Bye, Bye Aerospace
1625 - 1630 Closing Remarks
Yolanka Wulff, CAFE Foundation
Closing Remarks
Yolanka Wulff, CAFE Foundation
Closing Remarks
Yolanka Wulff, CAFE Foundation

Check out the VFS-sponsored videos and presentations from the past three years:

2020: 14th Annual EAS Speakers & Agenda | 36 Presentation Videos

2019: 13th Annual EAS Speakers & Agenda | 26 Presentation Videos

2018: 12th Annual EAS Speakers & Agenda | 19 Presentation Videos

About CAFE Foundation: The Comparative Aircraft Flight Efficiency (CAFE) Foundation was founded in 1981.The Foundation occupies a unique position in the electric aircraft industry. As a nonprofit organization, CAFE Foundation's mission is to advance the development of low-emission flight by fostering and promoting early entry practical market opportunities. CAFE Foundation accomplishes this by bridging disciplines and industries, helping to identify trends and innovations, building strategic collaborations and ensuring on-going coordination. www.CAFE.foundation

About VFS: The Vertical Flight Society was founded as the American Helicopter Society in 1943 by the visionaries of the early helicopter industry, who believed that technological cooperation and collaboration were essential to support this new type of aircraft. Today, VFS plays a similar role helping to advance today’s revolutionary VTOL aircraft. It is the world’s oldest and largest vertical flight technology organization. www.VTOL.org 



Posted 2021-05-03; last updated 2021-07-12