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Venkatakrishnan Iyer

Pennsylvania State University

Venkat Iyer is a PhD student in the Aerospace Department at the Pennsylvania State University working at the PSU UAS Research Laboratory (PURL) with Prof. Eric N Johnson. He completed his bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering from Mumbai University and MS in Electrical Engineering from Penn State. His MS thesis focussed on modeling and yaw control of a compound helicopter. He has worked as a Rotorcraft Avionics System Engineer at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), India for more than eight years. Currently, his research is focused on Guidance, Navigation and Controls for UAS. His research interests also include state estimation and system identification. He is engaged in participating in various UAS competitions as part of the Autonomous Robotics Competition Club (ARCC) at Penn State. He is affiliated to the AIAA and the Vertical Flight Society (VFS).

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