2020 Transformative Vertical Flight

TVF 2020 Half Ad

TVF2020 was a huge success — it sold out with nearly 500 attendees!

Download the TVF 2020 Final Schedule.

The Transformative Vertical Flight 2020 meeting will take place Jan. 21-23, 2020 in San Jose, California, with our eVTOL Short Course planned for Monday, Jan. 20 and a tour of NASA Ames on Friday, Jan. 24. A record number of abstracts were submitted for this jam-packed three-day meeting, which includes the following concurrent events:

  • Aeromechanics for Advanced Vertical Flight Technical Meeting
  • International Powered Lift Conference (IPLC) 
  • 7th Annual Electric VTOL Symposium

Aeromechanics for Advanced Vertical Flight provides a forum for technical paper presenations on emerging aeromechanics challenges and solution methods for future vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft, encompassing dynamics, aerodynamics, acoustics and flight mechanics. Joint sessions with IPLC cover applications ranging from advanced rotorcraft to jet-borne vertical flight and electric VTOL aircraft. 

7th Annual Electric VTOL Symposium includes invited presentations from leaders in this exciting field. This event is an excellent opportunity to learn about and discuss the latest advancements in eVTOL, and the challenges that still remain. Invited presentations from all areas of eVTOL will be discussed, from researchers and leaders in academia, industry and government agencies from around the globe. The Vertical Flight Society has been leading efforts in electric VTOL since 2014 and has a dedicated website on Electric VTOL News

Short Course on eVTOL Fundamentals: led by Dr. Anubhav Datta, will be held all day on Monday, Jan. 20 in the Donner Conference Room (Gateway 2nd Floor Level). Badge pick-up will start at 7:00 am in front of the conference room. The cost of the course is $300 ($175 for current student members of VFS). Short course attendees will receive an email communication and link to download course materials before the short course begins. Download the course description.

Dr. Anubhav Datta

Did you attend the short course?

Download course materials here.

Note: a passcode is required.

NASA Ames Research Center Tour ($25) - Registration CLOSED: The VFS San Francisco Bay Area Chapter has organized a tour of NASA Ames on the morning of Friday, Jan. 24, with buses departing the hotel at 8:00am and returning at 1:00pm (subject to change). Space was limited to 60 attendees and registration is now closed.

Registration Rates (Apply to All Attendees: Industry, Government and Speakers): all registration cancellations will incur $50 processing fee.

TVF: Jan. 21 – Jan. 23 VFS Members Non-Members* VFS Student/Military/
Fully-Retired Members


$700 $800 $350
*Includes 1-year VFS membership
†Non-members must join first.
Short Course Electric VTOL Design: Monday, January 20th (8:00 am - 5:00 pm)
Regular Attendee $300
VFS Student Member Attendee†† $175
††Must be an active VFS student member. Join or renew today!

Sponsorship & Exhibit Opportunities: there are a limited number of exhibit and sponsorship opportunities available:

  • Platinum Sponsorship: $5,000 (4 SOLD)
  • Gold Sponsorship: $2,500 (5 - SOLD OUT)
  • Exhibitor: $1,000 (15 - SOLD OUT)

Download the TVF2020 Sponsorship information sheet and application form to find out more or contact Jim Sherman.

Exhibitors: Download the Exhibit Floor Plan (PDF) The exhibits consist of 8'x'4' tabletops and are part of the TVF meeting venue and registration – there are no visitor or exhibit passes.

Hotel & Venue: all events will take place at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel San Jose. The hotel meeting rate is $239 through Jan. 8 or until the block sells outbook your room now!

Doubletree by Hilton Hotel San Jose 
2050 Gateway Place
San Jose, CA 95110
Doubletree San Jose Floor Plan (PDF)


  • General Meeting Chair: Dr. Colin Theodore, NASA Ames Research Center
  • Aeromechanics for Advanced Vertical Flight Technical Chair: Dr. Mark Fulton, US Army Aviation Development Directorate
  • IPLC Technical Chair: Dr. Michael Yu, Continuum Dynamics, Inc.
  • 7th Annual Electric VTOL Symposium Technical Chair: Mr. Carl Russell, NASA Ames Research Center

Thank You to Our Platinum Sponsors

BAE Systems


 Softtech Logo


Thank You to Our Gold Sponsors

Black and Veatch Logo

Continuum Dynamics Logo


Karem blue logo


Skydrive Logo

Toray Advanced Composites logo


Thank You to Our Exhibitors

ATA Logo 

Calspan logo

Continuum Dynamics Logo

eVTOL.com Logo


 Honeywell logo (300x138 px) png

HopFlyt Logo

 iav GmbH

Research InFlight

OneSky logo


SAE Logo

Siemens Digital Industries Software

Skydrive Logo

Toray Advanced Composites logo


Updated 2020-01-09

2020 Transformative Vertical Flight paper Uploader

Did you attend the 2020 Transformative Vertical Flight meeting? Please enter the event passcode to view the papers.

paper uploads for this meeting closed on . Please contact Julie M. Gibbs, event registrar, if you have any questions.