Update: This event is now fully virtual. Please see www.erf2021.org for details.
Conference Overview
The European Rotorcraft Forum is one of the premier events in the rotorcraft community’s calendar bringing together manufacturers, research centres, academia, operators and regulatory agencies to discuss advances in research, development, design, manufacturing, testing and operation of rotorcraft.
The 47th European Rotorcraft Forum will be organised by the Royal Aeronautical Society and planning is underway for the Forum to take place virtually, on 6-9 Sept. 2021.
Call for PapersThe International Committee invites prospective authors to submit abstracts of papers for presentation at the Forum. As in previous years, the Forum sessions will cover typical aspects of rotorcraft and will be held simultaneously in various conference rooms. Session subjects will include:
Submission of AbstractsAbstracts in English with a length of approximately 1000 words must be submitted in PDF format. It should present the background and the status of the reported research including figures, illustrations and a summary of important conclusions. The status, including milestones, of any pending research/work required for the paper's completion should be included. The abstracts will be evaluated based on the appropriateness of the work to the vertical flight industry, originality, technical quality, availability of (preliminary) results and completion status. Abstracts should be submitted via the abstract management tool, which is provided by Oxford Abstracts but will be administered for this Forum by the RAeS Events team. All completed submissions will be reviewed by the ERF International Committee. For any queries, please contact the RAeS Events Team at events@aerosociety.com. Key Dates and Deadlines Best Paper Language