About AHS International – The Vertical Flight Society
VFS — formerly AHS International — is the global resource for information on vertical flight technology. Our members have unparalleled access to vertical flight resources, including all issues of our Vertiflite magazine since 1953 – more than 800 pdfs – available for free download. In addition, as of 2017, we have over 11,000 technical papers available for download at 50% off the non-member price. Find out more about the benefits of membership.
We bring together industry, academia and governments to tackle the toughest challenges in vertical flight. Since 1943, we have led technology, safety, advocacy and other initiatives, and have been the primary forum for interchange of information on vertical flight technology.
The Atlas Human Powered Helicopter
How We Won The AHS Sikorsky Prize
By Dr. Todd Reichert and Cameron Robertson, AeroVelo
Vertiflite, Sept/Oct 2013
On July 11, 2013, AHS International and Sikorsky Aircraft presented the $250,000 AHS Sikorsky Prize to Toronto, Ontario-based AeroVelo for flying the first human powered helicopter to meet technical requirements set by AHS more than a third of a century earlier, in 1980.
The winners of the AHS Igor I. Sikorsky Human Powered Helicopter Competition recount their quest to achieve what many considered an impossible goal in vertical flight design.
Read the exclusive story by AeroVelo on their incredible Atlas Human Powered Helicopter.
Vertical Flight Society members can download a pdf of the entire issue for free; non-member price is $30.