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TALOS: An Unmanned Cargo-Delivery System for Rotorcraft Landing to Unprepared Sites

James Paduano, John Wissler, Graham Drozeski, Michael Piedmonte, Navid Dadkhah, Jim Francis, Charles Shortlidge, Jason Bold, Fritz Langford, Mark Chaoui, Cheng-Jen Liu and Eric Foster, Aurora Flight Sciences
Sanjiv Singh, Lyle Chamberlain, Brad Hamner, Hugh Cover, Adam Stambler, Ayman Singh, Samuel Nalbone, Marcel Bergerman, Near Earth Autonomy
Sebastian Scherer, Sanjiban Choudhury, Silvio Maeta, Sankalp Arora, Daniel Maturana, Carnegie Mellon University
Cindy Dominguez, Brian Moon, Robert Strous, Lisa Papautsky, Applied Research Associates Inc.
David Mindell, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dino Cerchie, Bryan Chu, Jason Graham, Christine Cameron, Mark Hardesty, Roger Hehr, The Boeing Company
Doug Limbaugh, James Bona, David Barnhard, Desare'a Chessar, Kutta Technologies Inc.

May 5, 2015


The growing interest of rotary wing UAVs, for military and civilian applications, has encouraged designers to consider miniaturized configurations, more efficient in terms of endurance, payload capability and maneuverability. The purpose of this paper is to study a new configuration of coaxial rotor as applied to a micro aerial vehicle (MAV) with the intention to guarantee the vehicle maneuverability while removing unnecessary control surfaces which would increase wind gust sensitivity. Coaxial rotor configurations maximize the available rotor disk surface and allow for torque cancelation. Tilting rotors may allow for the vehicle control.

TALOS: An Unmanned Cargo-Delivery System for Rotorcraft Landing to Unprepared Sites

  • Presented at Forum 71
  • 17 pages
  • SKU # : F-0071-2015-10293
  • Unmanned VTOL

  • Your Price : $30.00
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TALOS: An Unmanned Cargo-Delivery System for Rotorcraft Landing to Unprepared Sites

Authors / Details:
James Paduano, John Wissler, Graham Drozeski, Michael Piedmonte, Navid Dadkhah, Jim Francis, Charles Shortlidge, Jason Bold, Fritz Langford, Mark Chaoui, Cheng-Jen Liu and Eric Foster, Aurora Flight Sciences
Sanjiv Singh, Lyle Chamberlain, Brad Hamner, Hugh Cover, Adam Stambler, Ayman Singh, Samuel Nalbone, Marcel Bergerman, Near Earth Autonomy
Sebastian Scherer, Sanjiban Choudhury, Silvio Maeta, Sankalp Arora, Daniel Maturana, Carnegie Mellon University
Cindy Dominguez, Brian Moon, Robert Strous, Lisa Papautsky, Applied Research Associates Inc.
David Mindell, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dino Cerchie, Bryan Chu, Jason Graham, Christine Cameron, Mark Hardesty, Roger Hehr, The Boeing Company
Doug Limbaugh, James Bona, David Barnhard, Desare'a Chessar, Kutta Technologies Inc.