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Development of the World's Smallest Cyclocopter

Carl Runco, David Coleman, Moble Benedict, Texas A&M University

May 17, 2016


This paper describes the design, development and flight testing of a meso-scale cyclocopter. Weighing only 29 grams, the present vehicle is the smallest cycloidal rotor based aircraft ever built. Unlike the previous cyclocopters, the current prototype utilizes a novel, light weight (3 grams) cycloidal rotor design, with cantilevered blades, having semi-elliptical planform shape and no exposed rotor shaft. To minimize bending deflections the blades use a unique, lightweight (0.15 grams each) but high strength-to-weight ratio unidirectional carbon-fiber based structural design and are fabricated using a specialized manufacturing process. The cycloidal rotor design was chosen through systematic performance measurements conducted using a custom-built miniature three-component force balance. Based on experimental parametric studies, a 4-bladed rotor and symmetric blade kinematics with pitch amplitude of 45° provided the highest thrust and power loading (thrust/power) and was used in the final rotor design. The airframe is fabricated using a combination of carbon-fiber and state-of-the-art 3D printing techniques. The attitude control strategy utilizes a combination of rpm-control of the two cycloidal-rotors/tail-rotor and thrust vectoring of the cycloidal rotors. The control strategy is implemented on a custom-built 1.3 gram autopilot, which uses a closed-loop proportional-derivative controller for hover stability. The vehicle has been systematically flight tested by tuning the feedback gains and has demonstrated stable hovering flight.

Development of the World's Smallest Cyclocopter

  • Presented at Forum 72
  • 14 pages
  • SKU # : F-0072-2016-11360
  • Advanced Vertical Flight

  • Your Price : $30.00
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Development of the World's Smallest Cyclocopter

Authors / Details:
Carl Runco, David Coleman, Moble Benedict, Texas A&M University