Gustave de Ponton d'Amecourt, Gaspard Felix Tounachon and Gabriel de la Landelle: A Re-evaluation of the Contributions of the "Triumvirat Helicopteroidal" to the Early History of Rotary-wing Flight
- Presented at Forum 68 - Best Paper for this session
- 13 pages
- SKU # : 68-2012-000003
- Your Price : $30.00
Winner of
the AHS International Bernard Lindenbaum Award for Best Historical Paper
at Forum 68 (2012).
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Gustave de Ponton d'Amecourt, Gaspard Felix Tounachon and Gabriel de la Landelle: A Re-evaluation of the Contributions of the "Triumvirat Helicopteroidal" to the Early History of Rotary-wing Flight
Authors / Details: Bruce Charnov, Hofstra University