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Helicopter Community Noise Prediction Methodology for AEDT

Juliet A. Page, John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center - US Dept. of Transportation

May 17, 2016


The approach to this project was to identify a series of targeted comparison/sensitivity mini-studies identified as important and relevant which were used to assess model accuracy and the influence of the various modeling features on the predictions. In conjunction with the mini-studies, published validation results, modeling physics documented in the literature, and an understanding of the models themselves, the following framework elements and potential improvements for AEDT were identified and prioritized. Subsequent sections present the rationale for each recommendation.

Helicopter Community Noise Prediction Methodology for AEDT

  • Presented at Forum 72
  • 18 pages
  • SKU # : F-0072-2016-11353
  • Acoustics

  • Your Price : $30.00
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Helicopter Community Noise Prediction Methodology for AEDT

Authors / Details:
Juliet A. Page, John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center - US Dept. of Transportation