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Overview of S-97 RAIDER Scale Model Tests

Peter Lorber, Gary Law, John O'Neill, Sikorsky Aircraft
Claude Matalanis, Patrick Bowles, United Technologies Research Center

May 17, 2016


A sequence of scale model wind tunnel tests have been conducted to help design the S-97 RAIDER™ aircraft and better understand the aerodynamics of X2 Technology™ rotorcraft incorporating coaxial rigid lift offset rotors, low drag airframes, and a pusher propeller. The tests provided inputs to aerodynamics and flight dynamics simulations, validation data for CFD, and aerodynamic loads for design. The first test obtained high Reynolds number aerodynamic coefficients for airfoil families planned for the main rotor blades. A particular focus was on forward and reverse flow data for a thick single ended airfoil and a double-ended airfoil. A 1/10 scale unpowered airframe was then tested in the UTRC Pilot Wind Tunnel to obtain basic aerodynamic loads, plus flow interaction diagnostics on the fuselage, tail, and at the propeller plane. A hub and sail fairing drag test was conducted to obtain quantitative drag measurements on multiple fairing geometries, and to get insight into the effect of rotation, gaps, and the presence of blade stubs. A diagnostic test using a 1/5 scale model of the X2 Technology™ demonstrator investigated the aerodynamic interaction between the airframe and the propeller, and helped better understand the flight test data. The final tests were of a Mach-scale powered main rotor and fuselage in the National Full Scale Aerodynamics Facility 40x80' test section. The two entries included airframe-only, airframe plus upper rotor, and airframe plus coaxial rotor. The powered model results discussed in this paper will concentrate on the interactions between the main rotor, fuselage, and empennage.

Overview of S-97 RAIDER Scale Model Tests

  • Presented at Forum 72
  • 17 pages
  • SKU # : F-0072-2016-11559
  • Test and Evaluation

  • Your Price : $30.00
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Overview of S-97 RAIDER Scale Model Tests

Authors / Details:
Peter Lorber, Gary Law, John O'Neill, Sikorsky Aircraft
Claude Matalanis, Patrick Bowles, United Technologies Research Center