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The 525 Transmission Development Test Stand

David Elliott, Bell Helicopter Textron

May 17, 2016


Testing of high speed / high power helicopter transmissions is required to meet regulatory requirements and promote product safety. Transmission development testing typically ranges from 18 months to two years and involves tests that include; Oil Management, Gear Tooth Pattern Development, Gear Tooth Bending Fatigue, Endurance and Loss of Lubricant Testing. To accomplish these goals for the Bell 525, Bell Helicopter has developed new electrically regenerative test stands that both deliver and absorb power in the drive path. These new test stands provide a means to test the transmissions of other helicopter models with minimal changes, resulting in lower development costs. The transmission test system utilizes electric motors on the input side of the drive system and a generator on the output. While full power is passed through the drive system, the regenerative cycle means that net power consumed is limited to just the electrical and drive system losses - a small fraction of the drive system power. This paper reviews the design approach of the 525's electrically regenerative test stand and compares this system to prior mechanically regenerative test stand designs. The new approach, allows Bell Helicopter to achieve enhanced test efficiency resulting in faster development cycles and direct savings to the customer.

The 525 Transmission Development Test Stand

  • Presented at Forum 72
  • 6 pages
  • SKU # : F-0072-2016-11555
  • Test and Evaluation

  • Your Price : $30.00
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The 525 Transmission Development Test Stand

Authors / Details:
David Elliott, Bell Helicopter Textron