Vertiflite, March/April 1997
- 84 pages
- SKU # : v_1997_v43_n02
- Your Price : $20.00
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Vertiflite, March/April 1997
Authors / Details:-
Editor's Note - L. Kim Smith
Letters to the Editor - E.K. Liberatore
Commentary: Are Our Defense Priorities Keeping Pace? - M.E. Rhett Flater
Industry Briefs
Fiscal 1998 Budget Proposal Addresses: Major Rotorcraft Programs - AHS Staff
Joint Strike Fighter Enters Concept: Demonstration Phase - M.E. Rhett Flater
Letter from Europe - Elfan ap Rees
The Cutting Edge: Systems Integration-What Night Stalkers Fly - The Helicopters of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment - Frank Colucci
Obscure History Maker - John Schneider
Rolling Along the V/STOL Wheel - Hal Andrews
V/STOL: The First Half-Century - Michael J. Hirschberg
AHS Journal
Application of Composites in Commercial Helicopters - Joyanto K. Sen
AHS Snapshots - John Schneider
U.S. Army Flight Test Consolidation
AHS Update
Rotorcraft Calendar
New Members