Vertiflite, May/June 1994
- 72 pages
- SKU # : v_1994_v40_n03
- Your Price : $20.00
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Vertiflite, May/June 1994
Authors / Details:- Defending a New Work Covenant - Flater, M. E. Rhett (AHS International)
- AHS Technical Committee Highlights - Avionics & Systems - Sherbert Jr., Archie T.
- AHS Technical Committee Highlights - Fatigue & Damage Tolerance - Zion, H. Lewis
- AHS Technical Committee Highlights - Structures & Materials - Major, James H.
- The Kolibri Story - Kuipers, Will A.
- Reading the Journal for Fun and Profit: The April 1994 Issue - Huston, Robert J. (NASA)
- Procurement Reform: There Goes that Song Again - Forman, Brenda
- Meeting Post Cold-War Challenges: The Importance of Dual-Use Goals - Rosen, Kenneth M.
- The Sea Control Hawk: Making Waves Internationally - Colucci, Frank
- The H-16 Turbine Tandem Transporter Revisited - La Vassar, Leonard J.
- Forum 50 Report - AHS Staff
- AHS Technical Committee Highlights - Acoustics - Smith, Chuck
- AHS Technical Committee Highlights - Aerodynamics - Betzina, Mark D.
- AHS Technical Committee Highlights - Aircraft Design - Talbot, Peter D.
- AHS Technical Committee Highlights - Civil Operations Technology & Requirements (COTARC) "off the Ground and Running" - Leverton, John W.
- AHS Technical Committee Highlights - Crew Stations & Human Factors Engineering - Beggs, Bob
- AHS Technical Committee Highlights - Handling Qualities - Prasad, J. V. R.
- AHS Technical Committee Highlights - Military Operations - Mikel, T. N. (Mike)
- AHS Technical Committee Highlights - Propulsion Propulsion Technical Committee Out of the Past - Progress? The Helicopter Entrepreneurs Roots of the American Commercial Helicopter Operators - Schneider, John J.
- Not for Member Only - The Really Big Show Doesn't Have to be Big! - Stanzione, Kaydon A.