Vertiflite, September/October 1981
- 32 pages
- SKU # : v_1981_v27_n05
- Your Price : $15.00
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Vertiflite, September/October 1981
Authors / Details:- Lynn Kesten: Thank You and Good Luck, John Zugschwert: Welcome Aboard - Smith, Fred L. (Kaman Aerospace Corporation)
- LAMPS: Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System - Purtell, Joseph M. (LAMPS MK III)
- Are U.S. Helicopters in 2nd Place? Hynes, Michael K. (Hynes Aviation Industries, Inc.)
- Helicopter IFR: Past, Present & Future & Future - Albert, Vernon E. (Petroleum Helicopters, Inc.)
- The Evolution of Composite Materials In Helicopters - Foye, R.L. (AVRADCOM); Shipley, John L.

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Vertiflite, September/October 1981
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