Vertiflite Online 2010s

VFS members can read Vertiflite wherever you are, and even read the latest issue before you receive your printed copy! Read the magazine online or download a pdf. The Vertiflite Online Library includes all issues since 2011. Here are all of the issues in the 2010s; check out our 2020s issues here

NOTE: you must be logged in as a current Vertical Flight Society member for the below links to work. If you are not logged in, go to or log in via the username and password boxes at the top of this page. (Not a member? Join today!)

Helpful hints for reading your Vertiflite Online:
  • Double click to zoom in, or use the magnifying glass. Use the +/- to zoom in or out.
  • Single click the right side of the page to flip to the right or the left side to flip to the left, or click on the arrows.
  • Hover your mouse over the icons to see what they do.
  • Clicking on a Table of Contents entry will take you to that page.
  • Click on links within the magazine to take you to that website.
  • The magazine should work well on all of the latest browsers. 

Vertiflite JF19  Vertiflite MA19  Vertiflite MJ19  Vertiflite JA19  Vertiflite SO19  Nov-Dec 2019 Vertiflite cover


Vertiflite JF18  Vertiflite MA18  Vertiflite MA18  Vertiflite JA18  Vertiflite SO18  Nov-Dec 2019 Vertiflite cover


Vertiflite JF17  Vertiflite MA17  Vertiflite MJ17  Vertiflite JA17  Vertifilte Sep/Oct 2017  Vertiflite ND17 


Jan/Feb 2016  Mar/Apr 2016  Vertiflite May-June 2016 cover  July/August 2016 Cover  Sept/Oct 2016  Nov/Dec 2016 


Jan/Feb 2015  Mar/Apr 2015  May/June 2015  July/Aug 2015  Sept/Oct 2015  Nov/Dec 2015

Jan/Feb 2014  Mar/Apr 2014  May/June 2014  July/Aug 2014  Sept/Oct 2014  Nov/Dec 2014

Jan/Feb 2013  Mar/Apr 2013  May/June 2013  July/Aug 2013  Sept/Oct 2013  Nov/Dec 2013

Jan/Feb 2012  Mar/Apr 2012  May/June 2012  July/Aug 2012  Sept/Oct 2012  Nov/Dec 2012

Spring 2011  Summer 2011  Fall 2011  Winter 2011

Let us know what you think of your Vertiflite Online! We'd love to hear your feedback

Members can also download free PDFs of Vertiflite in the Vertical Flight Library — part of the VFS Online Store — 800+ issues available!

Want to check out an article you read in a previous issue? Need to find that in-depth review on a program, product or initiative? No need to dig through your basement, we have every issue since 1953 onilne! Just joined? You have access to the back issues you missed — check it out!

Protected by international copyright

ISSN 2166-933 (online)
ISSN 0042-4455 (print)