2023 Vehicle Management Systems Meeting


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The 2023 VMS meeting has been CANCELLED.

VFS and the Philadelphia and Aberdeen chapters regret any inconvenience caused by the cancellation of the Vehicle Management Systems (VMS) meeting on September 20, 2023, due to take place at Rowan University in Glassboro, New Jersey.

The Philadelpia chapter is planning to host a technical luncheon at Rowan University, where students will present on VMS subject matter. In addition, a great series of fall/winter chapter dinner meetings is also being planned by the Philadelphia Chapter.

Questions, email meetings@mideast.vtol.org

  • General Chair: Mr. Keith Conaron, Boeing Co
  • Technical Chairs: Mr. Fernando Dones, Boeing Co.; Dr. Rajneesh Singh, Army Research Lab

Thank you for the support of:

Rowan University School of Engineering