Rotorcraft Noise Library

Welcome to the VFS library of important research documents on rotorcraft noise. Wherever available, links to publicly accessible documents are provided. Those documents that are not freely available to the public are accessible to VFS members by logging in through the username and password boxes at the top of the page. Non-members may access the page by joining VFS or by entering the Noise Library password below. Please direct any questions to Mike Hirschberg, VFS Executive Director.


Title Authors Publisher Source Year Public Availability
US Government Research Targets Helicopter Noise Douglas Nelms AHS International Vertiflite, Nov-Dec 2017 AHS Online Store
Noise in the Cities — Revisited Robert Moorman AHS International Vertiflite, Nov-Dec 2016 AHS Online Store
Helicopter Community Noise Prediction Methodology for AEDT Juliet A. Page AHS International Forum 72 2016 AHS Online Store
Recommended Community Noise Model Enhancements to Improve Prediction of Helicopter Activity Impacts Joseph D. Navarrete (Ed.) National Academies Press TRB ACRP Research Results Digest 24, Jan. 2016 2016 Transportation Research Board
Noise in the Parks Robert Moorman AHS International Vertiflite, March-April 2015 AHS Online Store
Flying Around Noise Frank Colucci AHS International Vertiflite, Sep-Oct 2015 AHS Online Store
Guidance for Helicopter Community Noise Prediction — Final Report Juliet A. Page, Christopher M. Hobbs, Benjamin May, et al. The National Academies Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Transportation Research Board 2015 Transportation Research Board
OEM Perspectives on Noise Mike Hampson AHS International Vertiflite, Jan-Feb 2014 AHS Online Store
Helicopter Noise: What is the Problem? Dr. John Leverton AHS International Vertiflite, March-April 2014 AHS Online Store
Helicopter Noise: The People’s Perspective – Los Angeles County Robert Moorman AHS International Vertiflite, Nov-Dec 2014 AHS Online Store
Acoustic Design and Testing of the Eurocopter EC145T2 and EC175B – A Harmonized Franco-German Approach Vincent Gareton, Marc Gervais and Rainer Heger ERF 39th European Rotorcraft Forum 2013 ERF Document Repository
Towards Greener Helicopters G. Arnaud and Ph. Grison CEAS CEAS Aeronaut Journal (2013) 4:291–299 2013 CEAS
Aeroacoustic Flight Test and Data Analysis for the Validation of Fenestron Noise Computations F. Falissard, F. Desmerger, P. Gardarein, L. Binet, J.-C. Camus AHS International AHS 67th Annual Forum 2011 AHS Online Store
Performance Assessment of the Erica Tilt-Rotor in Cruise J. Decours, S. Burguburu, F. Falissard ERF 36th European Rotorcraft Forum 2010 ERF Document Repository
Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Results of the Fenestron Noise Flight Test Campaign F. Falissard, P. Gardarein, L. Binet ONERA 10th ONERA-DLR Symposium 2009 None
Improvement of Noise Reduction and Performance for a Helicopter Model Rotor Blade by Active Twist Actuation J. Bailly, Y. Delrieux ERF 35th European Rotorcraft Forum 2009 ERF Proceedings
Numerical Investigation on Blade/Wake-Interaction Noise Generation Y. Mauffrey, G. Rahier, J. Prieur ONERA Journal of Aircraft Vol. 46, Number 5 2009 AIAA
The Improvement of Helicopter Noise Management in the UK David Waddington, Paul Kendrick, Geoff Kerry, Matthew Muirhead, Ray Browne ICBEN 9th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem (ICBEN) 2008 ICBEN
Helicopter Noise - What is Important from a Community Prospective? J.B. Leverton and A.C. Pike AHS International AHS 63rd Annual Forum 2007 AHS Online Store
Research into the Improvement of the Management of Helicopter Noise QinetiQ Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK DEFRA NANR235: Project report 2007 DEFRA
Wind-Tunnel Tests of a Helicopter Rotor with Active Flaps P. Crozier, P. Leconte, Y. Delrieux, B. Gimonet, A. Le Pape, H. Mercier des Rochettes ERF 32th European Rotorcraft Forum 2006 ERF Proceedings
Nonmilitary Helicopter Urban Noise Study FAA Report to Congress FAA FAA Report to Congress 2004 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Helicopter Noise and Public Acceptance: A Stressed Relationship Today, a Better Balance Tomorrow Gilles Arnaud, Henri James Marze ERF 29th European Rotorcraft Forum, Noise Regulation Workshop 2003 ERF Document Repository
Helicopter Noise and Public Acceptance: A Stressed Relationship Today, a Better Balance Tomorrow Gilles Arnaud, Henri James Marze ERF 29th European Rotorcraft Forum, Noise Regulation Workshop 2003 ERF Document Repository
Understanding Public Acceptance of Rotorcraft John Leverton, Tony Pike ERF 29th European Rotorcraft Forum, Noise Regulation Workshop 2003 ERF Document Repository
Towards a Lower Helicopter Noise Interference in Human Life Fausto Cenedese ERF 29th European Rotorcraft Forum, Noise Regulation Workshop 2003 ERF Document Repository
XV-15 Tiltrotor Aircraft: 1997 Acoustic Testing Bryan Edwards and David Conner NASA TM-2003-212151 2003 NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
A Subjective Test of Modulated Blade Spacing for Helicopter Main Rotors J.B. Leverton and A.C. Pike AHS International AHS 58th Annual Forum 2002 AHS Online Store
The Onera-DLR Aeroacoustic Rotor Optimisation Program ERATO: Methodology and Achievements Y. Delrieux, J. Prieur, M. Costes, P. Gardarein, P. Beaumier, H. Mercier des Rochettes, P. Leconte, P. Crozier, W.R. Splettstoesser, B. van der Wall, B. Junker, K.-J. Schultz, E. Mercker, K. Pengel, J-J. Philippe, B. Gmelin AHS International AHS Test and Evaluation Specialists' Meeting 2002 AHS Online Store
Revolutionary Concepts for Helicopter Noise Reduction - S.I.L.E.N.T. Program Bryan Edwards, and Charles Cox NASA CR-2002-211650 2002 NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Psychoacoustic Testing of Modulated Blade Spacing for Main Rotors Bryan Edwards NASA CR-2002-211651 2002 NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
XV-15 Tiltrotor Low Noise Approach Operations David Conner, Michael Marcolini, William Decker, John Cline, Bryan Edwards, Colby Nicks and Peter Klein AHS International AHS 55th Annual Forum 1999 AHS Online Store
Investigation on Broadband Helicopter Rotor Noise J. Brézillon, J. Prieur, G. Rahier AHS International AHS Technical Specialists' Meeting for Rotorcraft Acoustics & Aerodynamics 1997 AHS International
Evaluation of the Impact of Noise Metrics on Tiltrotor Aircraft Design H. Stemfeld, R. Spencer, and P. Ziegenbein NASA CR-198240 1995 NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Assessment of Helicopter Noise Annoyance: A Comparison Between Noise from Helicopters and from Jet Aircraft T. Gjestland Elsevier Journal of Sound and Vibration (1994) 171 (4), 453-458 1994 Science Direct
High Speed Impulsive Noise and Aerodynamic Result For Rectangular and Swept Rotor Blade Tip Tests in S1-Modane Wind Tunnel C. Polacsek, P. Lafon ERF 17th European Rotorcraft Forum 1991 ERF Document Repository
Should Helicopter Noise Be Measured Differently From Other Aircraft John A. Molino NASA CR-3609 1982 NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Laboratory Studies of Scales for Measuring Helicopter Noise J.B. Ollerhead NASA CR-3610 1982 NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Effects of Repetition Rate and Impulsiveness of Simulated Helicopter Rotor Noise on Annoyance Clemans A. Powell and David A. McCurdy NASA TP-1969 1982 NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Detectability and Annoyance of Repetitive Impulsive Sounds S. Fidell and R. Horonjeff AHS International AHS 37th Annual Forum 1981 AHS Online Store
Subjective Field Study of Response to Impulsive Helicopter Noise Clemans A. Powell NASA TP-1933 1981 NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
Evaluation of the Annoyance Due to Helicopter Rotor Noise Harry Sternfeld, Jr., Linda Bukowski Doyle NASA CR-3001 1978 NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
A Study of the Effect of Flight Density and Background Noise on V/STOL Acceptability Harry Sternfeld, Jr., Ernest G. Hinterkeuser, Roy B. Hackman, and Jerry Davis NASA CR-2197 1974 NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
An Evaluation of Methods for Scaling Aircraft Noise Perception J. B. Ollerhead NASA CR-1883 1971 NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)