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Forum 71

Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA   |   May 4-7, 2015

AHS Forum 71 logoAHS International's Annual Forum and Technology Display is the world's leading international technical event on vertical flight technology. The 71st in the series was held May 5-7 at the Virginia Beach Convention Center in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Highlights incuded:
  • Over 230 technical papers from leaders in their fields on the latest theories and breakthroughs in vertical flight technology, on every discipline from Acoustics to Unmanned Systems.
  • Panels from leaders in industry, academia and government featuring their perspectives on the future of vertical flight technology. The Forum included panels of the CEOs of major helicopter manufacturers and suppliers, US Army and US Navy/Marine Corps aviation program managers, and other vertical flight science and technology leaders. 
  • The latest technologies from leading manufacturers, service providers, defense agencies, universities and research & development organizations in our extensive technology display.
  • Interaction and sharing of ideas with more than 1200 of the world's leading vertical flight professionals.
  • Recognition of AHS award winners and scholarship recipients at the Vertical Flight Foundation Reception and the Grand Awards Banquet.
  • Special pre-Forum activities on Monday, May 5, including tours, Short Courses and the MAV Student Challenge.

The Technology Display, running concurrent with the Forum, featured an extensive exposition of cutting edge vertical flight technologies. It also included other technologies more broadly applicable to aerospace in general. Leading manufacturers, service providers, defense agencies, universities and research and development organizations showcased the very latest in vertical flight technology.

Attendee Materials from Forum 71:  

Alfred Gessow Best Paper of Forum 71
A Smart Position Sensor for Articulated Rotors
Troy Schank, Kynn Schulte, Bell Helicopter Textron Inc
Best Papers
Collaborative Investigation of the Aerodynamic Behavior of Airfoils in Reverse Flow
Joachim Hodara, Marilyn Smith, Georgia Institute of Technology
Andrew Lind, Anya Jones, University of Maryland
Crash Safety
The Development of Two Composite Energy Absorbers for Use in a Transport Rotorcraft Airframe Crash Testbed (TRACT 2) Full-Scale Crash Test
Justin D. Littell, Karen E. Jackson, Martin S. Annett, NASA
Michael D. Seal, Analytical Mechanics Associates Inc.
Edwin L. Fasanella, National Institute of Aerospace
Structures and Materials
Integration of 3D Scan Data into the Finite Element Analysis Workflow for Simulation of Rotorcraft Components
Jonathan Knoll, Jeffrey Nissen, Bell Helicopter
Unmanned VTOL
Development of a 500 gram Vision-based Autonomous Quadrotor Vehicle Capable of Indoor Navigation
Stephen Haviland, Dmitry Bershadsky, Daniel Magree, Eric Johnson, Georgia Institute of Technology
A Smart Position Sensor for Articulated Rotors
Troy Schank, Kynn Schulte, Bell Helicopter Textron Inc
Modeling and Simulation
Physics-Based Aerodynamic Simulation Models Suitable for Dynamic Behavior of Complex Bluff Body Configurations
Daniel Prosser, Marilyn Smith, Georgia Institute of Technology
Turbomachinery Blade Thermomechanical Interface Science and Sandphobic Coatings Research
Anindya Ghoshal, Muthuvel Murugan, Blake Barnett, Michael Walock, Marc Pepi, US Army Research Laboratory
Kevin Kerner, Applied Aviation Technology Development Directorate
Test and Evaluation
Development and Testing of the AW609 All-Engines-Inoperative Emergency Re-Conversion
Dan Wells, Paul Edwards, AgustaWestland Philadelphia Company
Numerical Simulations and Measurements of the Wake from a Helicopter Operating in Ground Effect
Masahiko Sugiura, Yasutada Tanabe, Naoki Matayoshi, Hirokazu Ishii, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Hideaki Sugawara, Ryoyu Systems Co. Ltd.
Product Support
Development and Testing of a Ground Based Health and Maintenance Reasoner
James Cotter, Mark Davis, Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation
Treven Baker, Army ADD-AATD
Crew Stations and Human Factors
Development of a Magneto-Rheological Fluid-Based Trim Actuator with Active Tactile Cueing Capabilities
Guifré Julió, Jean-Sébastien Plante, Exonetics Design Inc.
Geoffrey Latham, Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.
Avionics and Systems
Joint Common Architecture (JCA) Demonstration Architecture Centric Virtual Integration Process (ACVIP) Shadow Effort
Alex Boydston, Bruce Lewis, US Army
Peter Feiler, Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute
Steve Vestal, Adventium Labs
Manufacturing Technology and Processing
Utilizing Additive Manufacturing / 3-D Printing to Optimize Design and Support Solutions for One-Off Spares and Support Product Requirements
Thomas Reilly, Dominic Przano, Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.
A Maneuvering Flight Noise Model for Helicopter Mission Planning
Eric Greenwood, Robert Rau, NASA Langley Research Center
Benjamin May, Christopher Hobbs, Wyle
Advanced Vertical Flight
Development of a Quad-Rotor Biplane MAV with Enhanced Roll Control Authority in Fixed Wing Mode
Christopher Bogdanowicz, Vikram Hrishikeshavan, Inderjit Chopra, University of Maryland
Image Galleries
Forum 71 Awards
Photos taken at AHS International's 71st Annual Forum and Technology Display, Wednesday May 6, 2015 at Virginia Beach, VA.


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