Forum 73
Fort Worth, Texas, USA | May 8-12, 2017
AHS International's Annual Forum & Technology Display is the world's leading international technical event on vertical flight technology. The 73rd Forum, held May 8-12 in Forth Worth, Texas, included more than 250 technical papers on every discipline from Acoustics to Unmanned Systems, as well as invited presentations and discussions by leaders in industry and government.
The Technology Display, running concurrent with the Forum, featured an extensive exposition of cutting-edge vertical flight technologies. It also included other technologies more broadly applicable to aerospace in general. Leading manufacturers, service providers, defense agencies, universities, and research and development organizations showcased the very latest in vertical flight technology.
Forum 73 Highlights
- More than 250 technical papers presented by experts in their fields on the latest theories and breakthroughs in vertical flight technology.
- Perspectives from leaders in industry, academia and government on the future of vertical flight technology.
- Keynote presentation by Lt Gen Jon Davis, Deputy Commandant for Aviation, US Marine Corps
- CEO Panel with the leaders of major helicopter manufacturers and suppliers
- US Army and US Navy/Marine Corps aviation military program managers
- Other vertical flight science and technology leaders in government and industry
- The latest technologies from leading manufacturers, service providers, defense agencies, universities, and research and development organizations in our extensive technology display.
- Interaction and sharing ideas with more than 1,000 of the world's leading vertical flight professionals.
- Recognition of AHS award winners and scholarship recipients at the Vertical Flight Foundation Reception and the Grand Awards Banquet.
- Special Forum-related activities on Monday, May 8 and Friday, May 12, that included short courses, tours and the MAV Student Challenge.
Proceedings and Materials
Forum Proceedings Collections (downloads & CDs)Alfred Gessow Best Paper of Forum 73
Best Papers
Analysis and Testing of Boundary-Layer-Ingesting Pusher Propeller for High Speed Rotorcraft
Probabilistic Methodology for Multi-Fidelity Model-Based Robust Preliminary Design of Rotorcraft
Benefits and Limitations of Reliance on an Open Architecture Technical Standard to Meet Expectations of an Open System
Demonstration of Aviation Mishap Reconstruction with On-Board Crash Recording Technologies
Degraded Visual Environment Mitigation (DVE-M) Program, Yuma 2016 Flight Trials in Brownout
Experimental Validation of Multi-Mode Tailboom Passive Vibration Control Using Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Tubes
Interpreting Time-Frequency Analyses of Pilot Control Activity in ADS-33E Mission Task Elements
Regime Recognition Accuracy
'Larsen's Goon' - The Forgotten History of Pitcairn's PA-36 Autogiro
Affordable Design and Manufacturing of the V-280 Wing
Aeroelastic Analysis for Highly Flexible Flapping Wing in Hover
An Investigation of Emergency Flight Operations with Vertical Flight Aircraft in Class B Airspace
Demand Forecasting: Cross-Functional, Cross-Disciplinary Analytics
Hybrid Ceramic Bearing Fatigue Testing for the Future Advanced Rotorcraft Drive System Program
Rotorcraft Fastener Electrical Contact Analysis for Optimal Carbon Fiber Composite Lightning Strike Protection
Progressive Fatigue Damage Simulation in Composites based on Explicit Finite Element Formulation
Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization of Rotorcraft and Fleet Availability
Very High Altitude Flight Testing of the H145 Helicopter
Hover Flight Control Design for UAS Using Performance-based Disturbance Rejection Requirements
Sound Diffraction Modeling of Rotorcraft Noise Around Terrain
Using Redundant Effectors to Trim a Compound Helicopter with Damaged Main Rotor Controls
Image Galleries
Photos from the Forum 73 Awards Banquet
On Friday, May 12, 2017, about 50 Forum 73 attendees took tours of Airbus Helicopters, Inc., Safran Helicopters Engines USA, and Safran Electronics & Defense USA. All three companies are in adjacent facilities in Grand Prairie, Texas.
The Forum 73 Opening General Session, on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, included a welcome address by the AHS Executive Director, an announcement by the Army, a keynote speaker from Headquarters Marine Corps, the annual CEO Panel, "Straight Talk from the Top", and the Annual Nikolsky Lecture.
Photos taken during the technical sessions and special sessions of Forum 73, May 9-11, 2017