Forum 68
Fort Worth, Texas, USA | May 1-3, 2012
The AHS 68th Annual Forum & Technology Display took place May 1-3, 2012 at the Fort Worth Convention Center, Fort Worth, Texas. The theme of next year’s conference was “Steering Vertical Flight Technology in New Directions.” The Forum is the premier event to present and discuss advances in every area of vertical flight technology, design and its applications. Technical sessions were sponsored by each of the Society’s Technical Committees.
The Forum Technical Chair for this event was Dr. Joseph Horn, The Pennsylvania State University.
The Deputy Forum Technical Chair was Michael R. Smith, Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc.
Proceedings and Materials
Forum Proceedings Collections (downloads & CDs)Alfred Gessow Best Paper of Forum 68
Oliver Wong, US Army AFDD; A. Neal Watkins and Kyle Goodman, NASA Langley Research Center; Jim Crafton, Alan Forlines and Larry Goss, Innovative Scientific Solutions, Inc. and James Gregory and Thomas Juliano, The Ohio State University
Best Papers
A Semi-Empirical Noise Modeling Method for Helicopter Maneuvering Flight Operations
Eric Greenwood, NASA Langley Research Center and Fredric Schmitz and Richard Sickenberger, University of Maryland
Tailless Flapping Wing Propulsion and Control Development for the Nano Hummingbird Micro Air Vehicle
Matthew Keennon, Karl Klingebiel, Henry Won and Alexander Andriukov, AeroVironment Inc.
Rotor Aeromechanics Results from the Sikorsky Active Flap Demonstration Rotor
Peter Lorber, Benjamin Hein and Jonathan Wong, Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. and Brian Wake, United Technologies Research Center
AH-6: Creating an Agile Software Product Line Architecture
Andrew Augenstein, The Boeing Company
Design Optimization of Gamera II: A Human Powered Helicopter
Ben Berry, Graham Bowen-Davies, Kyle Gluesenkamp, Zak Kaler, Joseph Schmaus, William Staruk, Elizabeth Weiner and Benjamin Woods, University of Maryland
Analysis and Control of A Magnetorheological Landing Gear System For a Helicopter
Young-Tai Choi, Ryan Robinson, Wei Hu, and Norman M. Wereley, University of Maryland; Terence S. Birchette and Akif Bolukbasi, The Boeing Co. and Jin Woodhouse, U.S. Army AATD
Flight Evaluation of Fully-Masked Approaches to Landing Using Boss Displays in an EH-60L
Zoltan Szoboszlay and Carl Ott, U.S. Army RDECOM; Walter Harrington, Air Force Research Laboratory and Gregory Neiswander, San Jose Research Foundation
Coupled CSD/CFD and Viscous Vortex Particle Method for Rotorcraft Comprehensive Analysis
Jinggen Zhao and Chengjian He, Advanced Rotorcraft Technology, Inc.
Design and Flight Test of a Cable Angle/Rate Feedback Flight Control System for the RASCAL JUH-60 Helicopter
Christina Ivler, Mark Tischler, Jay Fletcher and Carl Ott, US Army AFDD (AMRDEC) and J. David Powell, Stanford University
Development of a Fatigue Life Management System for Dynamic Components on the OH-58D Kiowa
Brian Tucker, Joshua Mochache, Ronald Hobbs, Rebecca Yu, Bell Helicopter Textron and Terry Baker, U. S. Army Aviation Engineering Directorate
Gustave de Ponton d'Amecourt, Gaspard Felix Tounachon and Gabriel de la Landelle: A Re-evaluation of the Contributions of the "Triumvirat Helicopteroidal" to the Early History of Rotary-wing Flight
Bruce Charnov, Hofstra University
Development of a Novel Erosion Resistant Coating System for Use on Rotorcraft Blades
Matthew Trexler and Victor Champagne, US Army Research Laboratory and Jack Kopchik, Sikorsky Aircraft Corp
A Methodology for Rotorcraft Brownout Mitigation Through Flight Path Optimization
John Tritschler, Roberto Celi and J. Gordon Leishman, University of Maryland
Hostile Fire Detection for Parapublic Operations
Randy Williams and Charles Shepard, Bell Helicopter Textron and Mike Paturzo and Barney McNelis, AAI Corporation
Numerical Approaches to Flight Reduction for Helicopter Rotor Track and Balance
Steve Pollard, Richard Hunt and Peter Morrish, Helitune Ltd and Nicholas Lieven, University of Bristol
Hybrid Gear Preliminary Results - Application of Composites to Dynamic Mechanical Components
Robert Handschuh, Gary Roberts, Ryan Sinnamon, David Stringer and Lee Kohlman, NASA Glenn Research Center and B. Dykas, US Army Research Laboratory
Probabilistic Damage Tolerance Analysis of Debonded Sandwich Composites
Michael Shiao, Tzi-Kang Chen and Dy Le, US Army Research Laboratory
Leading Teams for Successful Clean Sheet Programs
Johnathan Lewis, Mike Manninen and Harold Tiedeman, Rockwell Collins
Blade Tip Pressure Measurements Using Pressure Sensitive Paint
Oliver Wong, US Army AFDD; A. Neal Watkins and Kyle Goodman, NASA Langley Research Center; Jim Crafton, Alan Forlines and Larry Goss, Innovative Scientific Solutions, Inc. and James Gregory and Thomas Juliano, The Ohio State University
Development and Flight Testing of Flight Control Laws for Autonomous Operations Research on the RASCAL JUH-60A
Marc Takahashi, US Army; Matthew Whalley, Jay Fletcher, Ernesto Moralez, Carl Ott and Michael Olmstead, US Army AFDD (AMRDEC) and Chad Goerzen and Gregory Schulein, San Jose State University
Image Galleries
Awards photos from AHS International's 68th Annual Forum and Technology Display, May 1 – 3, 2012, Fort Worth, Texas.