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The July/August 2021 issue of the Vertiflite magazine is now online!
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- Commentary: Diversity Wins
- Washington Report
- Leadership Moves
- Industry Briefs
- Coming to Terms: The Design
- The Calculus of Future Vertical Lift
- Serving the Big Apple: The Kearny Heliport
- VFS Supports VAST Expansion
- M4 Engineering: The Fixer
- Forum 77: Virtually Vertical Again
- 77th Annual Grand Awards Ceremony
- Continued Ingenuity: Mars Helicopter Flights Extended 30 Days
- Archer Makes Its Mark
- Turning Point in eVTOL Developments
- VFS Supports Launch of AAM Supply Chain Electronic Exchange Platform
- Educational Initiatives: Design-Build-Vertical Flight
- VFS Virtual Meetings Keep on Streaming
- VFS Announces 2021-2022 Board of Directors
- Book Review: Helicopter Flight Dynamics
- Leadership Profile: Berend G. van der Wall
- Electric VTOL News
Download or read online the latest issue of Vertiflite today!
About our Cover
The Kearny Heliport is a gateway for helicopter traffc to New York City, seen in the background. See pg. 24. (Photo by Jillian O’Brien for HHI)
Posted July 1, 2021