For Immediate Release
April 22, 2002
L. Kim Smith
Alexandria, Virginia - AHS International chairman John Murphey today announced the results of the society's general elections for officers and directors for the period July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003.
The new officers include incoming AHS chairman, Gilles Ouimet, president and CEO of Pratt & Whitney Canada; AHS president Dr. Robert G. Loewy, professor and chair of Georgia Institute of Technology and the AHS Secretary/Treasurer, Paul W. Martin, senior vice president, military & advanced development programs, Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. Andrew W. Kerr, director of the Aeroflightdynamics Directorate AMCOM and the director of NRTC steps in as the new AHS Technical Director. The FORUM 59 Technical Chairman will be David Matuska, manager technology integration & planning, Sikorsky Aircraft Corp.
The AHS Executive Committee, which exercises all the powers of the board of directors when not in session, includes the chairman, president, secretary-treasurer. The AHS technical director is an invited non-voting member of the executive committee.
Society members also elected three new regional vice presidents and three new directors-at-large. They include mideast region vice president Evan Sampatacos, director, airframe and dynamic systems, The Boeing Co.; southwest region vice president Malcolm Foster, chief - product definition, Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.; and southeast region vice president Gerald W. Irvine, public affairs, AATD. Elected directors-at-large are Philip Dunford, director, vehicle systems & technology, The Boeing Co. (mideast region); Ajay Sehgal, design/technology manager, H1, 1TT, Bell Helicopter Textron Inc (southwest region); and Col. Waldo Carmona, USA, Commander, AATD (southeast region).
AHS International is a technical professional society dedicated to the advancement of vertical flight technology and its applications. Founded in 1943 by Igor Sikorsky and other vertical flight pioneers, the Society has 6000 members located in 26 chapters throughout the world.
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