Forum 76 was a fantastic event with more than 1,250 registrants and 250 presentations in 43 sessions! The technical sessions and VIP sessions were all videorecorded and are now available for viewing by Forum 76 registrants.
Simply log in at the top of the page by typing in your VFS username and password, and submit it with the "Log in" button. If you registered for Forum 76, then our membership database will automatically validate your access.
The videos can be made full screen by clicking the "full screen" icon in the bottom right corner of each video.
Plan now to attend our 77th Annual Forum & Technology Display in May 2021 as we explore "The Future of Vertical Flight!"
Please let us know what you think of this benefit, or let us know if you have any questions, by contacting us at +1-703-684-6777 or
40th Annual Alexander A. Nikolsky Honorary Lecture, Sept 2020
76th Annual Grand Awards Ceremony
Opening General Session: Keynote and Straight Talk from the Top
Special Session 1: Military VTOL R&D Leaders
Special Session 2 - Civil VTOL R&D Leaders
Special Session 3: Electric VTOL Leaders,
Advanced Vertical Flight I (Oct. 6)
Advanced Vertical Flight II (Oct. 7)
Aerodynamics III (Oct. 7)
Aircraft Design I (Oct. 7)
Aircraft Design II (Oct. 7)
Aircraft Design III (Oct. 8)
Avionics and Systems (Oct. 8)
Crew Stations II (Oct. 8)
Handling Qualities I (Oct. 7)
Handling Qualities II (Oct. 7)
Handling Qualities III (Oct. 8)
History (Oct. 8) - Part I
History (Oct 8) - Part II
Manufacturing and Technology (Oct. 8)
Modeling and Simulation I (Oct. 6)
Modeling and Simulation II (Oct. 7)
Modeling and Simulation III (Oct. 8)
Structures and Materials (Oct. 7)
Systems Engineering (Oct. 8)
Test and Evaluation I (Oct. 8)
Test and Evaluation II (Oct. 8)
Unmanned VTOL II (Oct. 7)