The Vertical Flight Society's 78th Annual Forum & Technology Display was a great success! More than 1,250 people experienced the "Future of Vertical Flight" at Forum 78, held May 10-12, 2022, in Ft. Worth, Texas. A total of 219 technical papers were presented, plus more than 50 invited presentations and panel discussions by experts and decision makers in industry, academia, government agencies and research institutions.
The Forum 78 proceedings papers include cutting-edge breakthroughs, research developments, and advancements in vertical flight technology.
Forum Registrants: If you were a paid Forum 78 full registrant, you can download any or all of the Forum 78 papers for free! Just log into your account at and scroll down to the bottom right, under "Forum Proceedings Downloads."
Technical Papers: Forum 78 individual pdfs are available for $15 each for Society members ($30 for non-members).
- Proceedings download purchase: A download link for all 219 technical papers is now available in the Store for $200 for Society members ($300 for non-members).
Proceedings CD: contains all 219 technical papers and is available in the Store for $200 for Society members ($300 for non-members).
- Special Sessions: The presentation slides of all the special sessions and the Opening General Session are now available!
Videos: all of the special sessions and general sessions were video recorded.
- Video recordings of the 9 special sessions, the plenary sessions and the Grand Awards Ceremony are available to Forum 78 registrants after login.
- The video recordings of the 42nd Annual Nikolsky Lecture, Future Vertical Workforce session and Grand Awards Ceremony are also available to the public on our YouTube Channel.
Corporate Members: Vertical Flight Society members on the rosters of our corporate members (Small Business Class and above) can download any PDF in the entire Vertical Flight Library for free! Organization-wide institutional licenses are also available! In addition, a CD-ROM of the Forum 78 proceedings and a CD-ROM of the Special Sessions were mailed out to all our corporate member and educational member contacts in good standing in early June.
Printed volumes of the proceedings from Forum 78 and past Forums can be ordered from Curran Associates.
Photo Galleries: The official photographer for Forum 78 shot some 4,400 high-resolution photos, which have been downselected to the 400 best pics and added to our Vertical Flight Photo Gallery:
- Forum 78 Awards (68 images)
- Forum 78 Special Sessions (64 images)
- Forum 78 Nikolsky & Opening General Session (45 images)
- Forum 78 Tech Awards, Committees, Short Courses, etc. (43 images)
- Forum 78 Exhibits & Reception (187 images)
Save the date: The Vertical Flight Society's 79th Annual Forum & Technology Display will be held May 16-18, 2023, in Palm Beach, Florida. Plan now to attend as we continue to explore "The Future of Vertical Flight"! Abstracts must be submitted by October 10, 2022.
Posted May 16, 2022; updated July 18, 2022