The November/December 2016 issue of Vertiflite is now available! Members can log in and read the current and back-issues of Vertiflite for free.
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- Commentary: The Case for ITEP — Power for the Future
- Washington Report: Single Engine IFR, Small UAS and FVL
- AHS International’s Igor I. Sikorsky 24 Hour Hover Challenge
- Bell Canada Celebrates 30 Years
- Three New Autogyro Altitude Records Set:
Dr. Donatella Ricci climbs to 8.4 km - Noise in the Cities — Revisited:
We revisit community noise activism in NY, LA and Chicago. - Lift Where You Need
Distributed Electric Propulsion opens new design opportunities for vertical flight - Tackling Technical Barriers:
NASA’s Revolutionary Vertical Lift Technology Project pursues tools, technologies and concepts to make vertical flight more efficient and acceptable. - 3rd Transformative Workshop is a Huge Success!
- British Rotorcraft Industry Continues to Fly in Friendly Skies
- ERF 2016 Report:
32nd annual European Rotorcraft Forum is a great success - AHS International Corporate Member Directory
- Leadership Profile: Dr. Arvind Sinha, Australian Department of Defence
- 1st Rotor Hub Flow Prediction Workshop
- Vertical Flight Foundation Testimonial: Dr. Mike Torok, Sikorsky Aircraft Corp.
- AHS International Congratulates Student Design Competition Winners
- Gamera Looks to the Sun:
University of Maryland flies world’s first solar powered helicopter - Book Review: “Introduction to Autogyros, Helicopters, and Other V/STOL Aircraft Volume III: Other V/STOL Aircraft” by Franklin D. Harris
Download and read this double-sized issue today!
About the Cover
The second prototype Bell 505 Jet Ranger X flies over the Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Limited plant in Mirabel, Quebec. (Ken Swartz photo.)
Posted Nov. 3, 2016